Prayer for finances in marriage
Prayer for finances in marriage

prayer for finances in marriage

Pray for her relationship with God, that she would sense God’s powerful presence and consistently experience thriving, intimate walk with Him.Pray that she would be singularly focused upon fearing Him, and not distracted by any way the world attempts to threaten her identity in Him. Ask God to continue to set before your wife His perception of holy beauty, calling her up to it ( Proverbs 31:30 1 Peter 3:3-5).Pray for her specific areas of weakness, that God’s power might be made perfect there ( 2 Corinthians 12:9-10), and that your wife might be “more than a conqueror” in areas of repeated sin ( Romans 8:37).Ask Him for wisdom to be an advocate for her and her time and talents. Thank God for your wife’s gifts and strengths, and ask God that those would be wholly His ( 1 Corinthians 12:4-7).Pray for your wife’s protection: physically emotionally mentally spiritually for her sexual purity of thought, heart, body, and mind ( 1 Corinthians 6:18-20) and for the protection of your marriage.Pray that both of you will have courage to stand against the threats and obstacles to your oneness ( Song of Solomon 2:15-16). Thank God for the areas of intimacy you experience with your wife, and pray that God will unify the two of you even further, as He desires that you are one as the Trinity is one ( John 17:11).Pray for her wisdom to faithfully shepherd them as God does her loving, diligent care for them her patient, godly discipline of them and her relentless pursuit of their hearts ( Deuteronomy 6:4-8 Psalm 103:13, Ephesians 6:4). Pray for her ability to “see” your children, discerning their strengths, weaknesses, desires, needs, gifts, and spirits.Pray that she would only speak words that build up, as fits each occasion, so that she can give grace to everyone who hears ( Ephesians 4:29). Pray for her mouth: that she would be protected from gossip and complaining, and would let no corrupting talk come out of her mouth.Pray that she would vigilantly guide them in the discipline and instruction of the Lord ( Ephesians 6:4). Ask God for her wisdom, strength, and joy in serving and sacrificing ( Ephesians 5:25-28 1 Peter 5:2-4). Pray for your wife’s motherhood, and other areas where she’s nurturing members of God’s church or others who need a shepherd.Thank God for the strength, wisdom, and capability she shows in this area. If you have children, thank God for the ways your wife parents them in healthy ways, shepherding and caring for them as Jesus does ( Psalm 23).Pray for her management of finances: that she would have and utilize wisdom, discernment, generosity, and wise stewardship for the sake of your family and God’s kingdom.Thank God for the specific ways your wife complements you relationally, and the holy beauty she adds to your life.

prayer for finances in marriage prayer for finances in marriage

Pray for her friendships, that she would seek and meaningfully receive relationships with godly women who will surround her with true fellowship ( 1 John 1, Titus 2:3-8).Thank God for the solid mentors and friends in her life, who build her, care for her, give wisdom, and provide accountability.Pray for her relationships with her family: that she would thoughtfully, intentionally build relationships with them, and honor her father and mother ( Exodus 20:12).Ask Him to infuse your wife with diligence, strength, and humility in all she does ( Proverbs 31:10-31). Thank God for His careful craftsmanship of your wife that she contributes to her home, ministry, and world.Pray for her work inside and outside of your home, that God would “establish the work of hands” for His own renown ( Psalm 90:17).But, one of the most significant ways you can love her is to PRAY for her. What does it look like to love your wife? Appreciate her, respect her, support her, etc… Yes to all these things.

Prayer for finances in marriage